Thursday, May 29, 2014

Jazzy Belle - Outkast

"Jazzy Belle" by Outkast

Jazzy Belle by Outkast is a really interesting song compared to many other rap songs involving women. As a group Outkast become really popular during their prime time and made many hits that will be played for ever. In this song the idea that Andre 3000 is making is that he can get all of these women as a successful artists and girls want him because he's famous. These are just "jazzy belles" , girls who are just easy because they know who he is and what he does. He is tired of these girls and talks about what it will be like when he finally finds a real woman to have a real relationship with. It is an interesting take on their view on girls as famous rappers and how they are tired of these girls who go around with anyone with money or success.

Outkast uses many literary devices in this song. Some cool examples of metaphors that Andre 3000 uses are "Even Bo knew that you got poked like acupuncture patients." "Talk bad about her man guaranteed to snap like a bra." They use many other interesting metaphors in the song describing these types of girls.

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