Thursday, June 5, 2014

Bonita Applebum - A Tribe Called Quest

1) "Bonita Applebum" by A Tribe Called Quest

This song is called Bonita Applebum by A Tribe Called Quest. This song is one of their more popular songs and many people are familiar with the beat. The song goes hand in hand with my overall theme of relationships because throughout the song they are rapping about this girl Bonita Applebum. The chorus goes as stated, "Bonita applebum you gotta put me on". I think this must mean that hes into Bonita and she has to give him a chance. Throughout the song they speak about how the two are a match made in heaven, and being with her is his top priority. Clearly Q-tip (one of the rappers in this group) is showing his affection for this girl and hoping to get some in return.

During this song we see a narrative taking place which is one of the topics that we had discussed in class. Q-tips verse in this song is a dialogue he is having talking about Bonita and the reasons they must be together. It sounds like he is telling you a story about Bonita. He raps "Hey your like a hip hop song you know? Bonita Applebum you gotta put me on." He is talking to this girl throughout the verse while telling the listener at the same time how he feels.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Jazzy Belle - Outkast

"Jazzy Belle" by Outkast

Jazzy Belle by Outkast is a really interesting song compared to many other rap songs involving women. As a group Outkast become really popular during their prime time and made many hits that will be played for ever. In this song the idea that Andre 3000 is making is that he can get all of these women as a successful artists and girls want him because he's famous. These are just "jazzy belles" , girls who are just easy because they know who he is and what he does. He is tired of these girls and talks about what it will be like when he finally finds a real woman to have a real relationship with. It is an interesting take on their view on girls as famous rappers and how they are tired of these girls who go around with anyone with money or success.

Outkast uses many literary devices in this song. Some cool examples of metaphors that Andre 3000 uses are "Even Bo knew that you got poked like acupuncture patients." "Talk bad about her man guaranteed to snap like a bra." They use many other interesting metaphors in the song describing these types of girls.

Telegraph Ave - Childish Gambino

"Telegraph Ave" by Childish Gambino

Telegraph Ave is a song by Childish Gambino on his recent album "Because of the Internet."It is one of my favorite songs in this genre for sure. This song is a really good and has a super cool beat an lyrics to it. Gambino is a really interesting artist because his sound is somewhat unlike a lot of other rappers these days. This song is about a girl in Oakland that he really likes the lyrics he uses are kind of intense displaying his feelings about this girl. He talks about spending his whole life with her in Oakland and he would rather die in Oakland, but it seems like he is just her booty call. He talks about how he "took off his nine to five, but you still don't have the time to kiss me, just hit me." In this I think he's saying she does not want any relationship from him but she'll hit him up when she wants a guy.

Hey Ma - Chance The Rapper

1.) "Hey Ma" by Chance The Rapper

This song is called "Hey Ma" by Chance The Rapper. This song is a popular song to his fans and can relate to all people. This song is off of his mixtape "10 Day" which was a tape he made on a 10 day suspension he was given while he was in High School. The song relates to my theme of relationships since the entire song is a tribute to his mother and all mothers everywhere. He makes it known how important mothers are in a kids life. I love the idea of the song how he continues to talk about the things he was able to do with the help of his mother and that when he makes his money he will remember these things. He states in the chorus, "We gon' get this paper, put that on my mama. Got my money saved up, put that on my mama."It's a great display of his relationship with his mom and also as he continues on into the end of the song he calls out all the people he's known and cared about that are moms and says "Thanks to moms."

Chance the rapper really uses a lot of imagery in this song that puts together a picture in your head of what he wants to do for his mom. He states in the first verse of the song,
"Go on get ya nails polished, stylist for your eyelids
And a pilot for your mileage for them frequent flights to your island"
He continues putting this idea out that he is going to do all these grand things for his mom when he gets his money from rapping. The images he creates with his lyrics are really sincere thoughts that he has for his mother and mom's in general.

Best Friend - 50 Cent

"Best Friend" by 50 Cent

"Best Friend" is a song by 50 Cent that is one of the most popular songs of his work. The song was played all over radios a few years ago and is still played by all of 50's big time fans. The song is an interesting take on 50 Cents view on his woman of choice. When thinking about 50 Cent many people think of his portrayal of himself as a gangster, but this song shows a different side of 50. He talks about wanting this girl to be his best friend and that he will be hers as well he talks about all the intimate things he wants to do with this girl if she would be his, 
"While you're in your bubble bath I'll come wash on your back
When you puttin on your lotion I can help you with that
I sit and think of things to say that may make you smile
Or give you gifts from my heart to reflect my style"

The song has a lot of tone and mood to it, throughout the whole song it has a happy vibe that really shows how badly 50 Cent cares about this girl and wants to have her as his best friend. He seems really willing do what he can to make this girl his and cares about her deeply.