Thursday, June 5, 2014

Bonita Applebum - A Tribe Called Quest

1) "Bonita Applebum" by A Tribe Called Quest

This song is called Bonita Applebum by A Tribe Called Quest. This song is one of their more popular songs and many people are familiar with the beat. The song goes hand in hand with my overall theme of relationships because throughout the song they are rapping about this girl Bonita Applebum. The chorus goes as stated, "Bonita applebum you gotta put me on". I think this must mean that hes into Bonita and she has to give him a chance. Throughout the song they speak about how the two are a match made in heaven, and being with her is his top priority. Clearly Q-tip (one of the rappers in this group) is showing his affection for this girl and hoping to get some in return.

During this song we see a narrative taking place which is one of the topics that we had discussed in class. Q-tips verse in this song is a dialogue he is having talking about Bonita and the reasons they must be together. It sounds like he is telling you a story about Bonita. He raps "Hey your like a hip hop song you know? Bonita Applebum you gotta put me on." He is talking to this girl throughout the verse while telling the listener at the same time how he feels.